We build devices to
help you recover at

First time here? We will show you how to get started.

The Problem


of survivors
need more

Insurance covers a limited amount of therapy

More therapist time is too expensive.

Other neurorehab devices are built for rehabilitation hospitals and cost $2400-$50,000.

Our Solution

We build devices that are easy to use, validated by researchers to improve mobility, and 87% less expensive.

We are serious about your recovery. Here's who has used our products.

Rehab Facilities
Of Top-Ranked Hospitals
Home Customers

Here's how to get started

Step 1: Education

Recovery starts with getting your questions answered. We are dedicated to being your neurorehab resource with over 500 evidence-based articles and new articles published every week.

To get started, visit our blog or sign up to get our most popular articles plus an additional 5 new articles sent to your email each week. We will never sell your email address, and we never spam. That we promise.

Step 2: Choose your device

All devices come with a simple risk-free guarantee. We only want you to keep it if you see improvement. If you don’t want the device within the first 30 days, send it back and we will give you a full refund, no questions asked. We even pay for shipping if you are within the US.

Our Recovery Tools

Device 1: FitMi Full-Body Neurorehab

Are you new to our tech? Start here! FitMi is our most popular and most diverse neuro rehab exercise program. This devices guides you through intensive 15-60 minute therapy sessions from home. You can target specific muscle groups or workout the full-body.

Device 2: MusicGlove Hand Therapy

MusicGlove is perfect if you want to focus on regaining hand and finger movement. This devices guides you through intensive 15-60 minute therapy sessions for your hand from home.

Device 3: Flex AFO

Flex AFO is a low-profile foot drop brace that is designed to be far more comfortable than in-shoe braces. Flex AFO attaches to your ankle and lifts your foot by discreetly attaching to the outside of your shoe.

Device 4: New Bundles!

Interested in getting more than one device? Get special discounts when you bundle together. Save up to $75!